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To launch the world’s first web-connected home printer, PN identified social media partners to create a compelling cross-channel media event that would engage top-tier influencers and generate online consumer buzz at launch

Partnered with Current TV studios in San Francisco to host a digital news conference and online Twitter discussion

Attendees and webcast viewers were able to blog, tweet their questions and remix the news post-conference using a widget created by Brooklyn-based VJs, Eclectic Method

The announcement generated significant excitement within the press, who carried HP’s ‘category-changing’ message to the masses

Total number of webcast attendees: 3,530


Consumers reacted, visiting HP’s Remix The Printer site with savvy interactive and shareable widget to remix video and sound on their keyboards
In first three weeks:
Total Remixer and video views: 220,000+
unique visitors: 15k+
page views: 20k+
Average visitor spent 2m 22s on the site
One in four visitors shared their video with
friends via
Facebook or Twitter
Total views of event album on Flickr.com: 900. Total number of tweets with #HPreveal on Twitter: 885